Rakta Kranti – the Blood Revolution movement of Sankalp has a special program for school children aimed at sensitizing the young minds towards blood donation. The students of class VIII, IX and X are educated on various facts related to blood biology through their school curriculum, but they are unaware about the process of blood donation. This is the right age to make them aware of the need and benefit of the blood donation process, as they are the future potential donors. Proper education imparted to the right people at the right time has always shown to make a BIG DIFFERENCE .
This year the Rakta Kranti team cooled their heals after the summer blood collection marathon as the stock of blood in blood banks rose with large number of monsoon blood donation drives. They decided to redirect their new found time to the Rakta Kranti School Program. In the month of September they were able to organise small programs comprising of thought provoking and involving competitions for 2000 children spread across 4 schools in Bangalore. The immediate outcome of this exercise is visible from the writings and artwork the kids come up with post the sessions.
We are confident that these young ones are on their way to become model blood donors,sensitised, educated, and motivated to ensure that they make the choice to ensure no one suffers due to shortage of blood.

We thank all the participating students, teachers and schools.
Excerpts from the essays:
"Real bliss can be achieved through love, fellowship, selfless service and sacrifice, and not by amassing wealth alone. One must try to donate blood and see what joy, happiness and satisfaction one will experience at the mere thought that this gesture may save somebody's life one day."- Arun YH, VIII, Gurukula Academy
"One cannot make blood. It is a gift we have inside us to give to those who are injured, sick or in need. Those are the best reasons to donate blood."
- Akshaya P, VIII, St Joseph's High School
"Please donate blood. We know that we can also save lives, but we don't do it. Many people in the world keep a healthy timetable to be healthy. If they donate blood every 3 months, they may save a child who needs blood. Please donate blood not for anything like money, but for helping others, caring, love and humanity."
- Aasiya Khatoon, VIII, Citizens' High School
"Most of the time, pressure and responsibilities force us to overlook how important life is. We rarely take the time to consider the small things to do for others and how these things can affect someone else's lives. Having an important effect is human blood. And blood is something that can not be produced. For people in need, we have to donate blood."
-Abirami P, VIII, Citizens' High School
"Our Pledge- India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters. I love my country. We will donate blood and we will be a hero for my country."
-Arfa Kousar, VIII, Citizens' High School.