Fearless and Energetic Sneha puts Thalassemia Behind Her

Image removed.Sneha Muthreja belongs to Faridkot, Punjab, has been someone that has always dreamt big and believed in herself. Sneha was born on 14th January 2006. By birth, she has been intelligent, smart and creative. She was diagnosed with thalassemia when she was just 6 months old.

The young girl not only had to manage a blood disorder, but unfortunately had to deal with much more. Sneha's condition was the debate of a family dispute leading to a separation between her parents. Sneha and her sibling stayed with her father who did everything possible to take care of his young children. When Sneha was 6, her father married again and Sneha found a new mother in Anita. Sneha's new mother took active interest in her condition and wanted to see that Sneha gets good care and treatment. She took the ownership of taking Sneha for blood transfusions. It is here that she got connected to doctors and other transfusion-dependent patients and their families. She started attending conferences held for Thalassemia awareness where she finally found a solution to this monthly pain. She ensured that Sneha and Harsh undergo a HLA test. As luck had it, Sneha had a high resolution full HLA match with her brother Harish

Sneha is an intelligent student with creative qualities. She is a foodie, likes drawing and cricket. She started playing cricket in the school team from her 8th standard. In just 3 years of time, she played on a state-level team and made her parents and school proud. Her father recollects that she used to run barefoot all the way to the school, unmindful of the rough surfaces or her condition. People wondered from where she drew all her energy despite being a thalassemia major. She was the perfect example of not letting thalassemia stop one from leading a full life.

Sneha underwent a Bone Marrow Transplant at the Sankalp CIMS centre on the 15th of January 2022. Now, more than 45 days later she is stable and doing well. She looks forward to getting back her energetic life again, just this time with no stops at the blood bank/day care to take a pint of blood. She is a true inspiration for all the young girls of our country.


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