About Sankalp
Information about the organization in general
Disaster Review On Independence Day
Is 15th August just another holiday where we enjoy ?
The Month of July At Sankalp
In July 2012, Sankalp volunteers were involved in plethora of events and activities apart from the flood relief operations in Assam. Here is a peek into them
The Month of June At Sankalp
June was an exceptionally busy month with low blood stocks and high demand. Let’s see what Sankalp was up to in this month.
Work @ Sankalp April 2012
This summer month of April was one that had plenty of Sankalp events and kept volunteers on their toes through out. Here is a snapshot of what happened.
9th Anniversary Of Sankalp India Foundation
Sankalp India Foundation will be celebrating it's 9th anniversary on 19th may 2012 @ LHC2, MSRIT, Bangalore. Be there to share the joy and celebrations with the volunteers
News Updates for March 2012
Rakta Kranti Bangalore
Owing to the generally good stocks of blood in the blood banks RKB had a moderate month in terms of number of blood donation drives. However, as and when the blood banks called in for a camp, we were able to cater to the need.
Sankalp wins the Blade of Honour
Gillete, in a recent initiative, located citizens from nook and corners of India, who have done simple but inspiring work. They presented the Blade Of Honour award to citizen soldiers who have contributed to the society with their soldierly values.
Sankalp's BDO scales new heights!
Even as Sankalp's Disaster Management and Mitigation Wing worked through the highs and lows of the disaster prone Sikkim, Sankalp's Blood Donation Wing scaled new heights this September with Rakta Kranti and Disha achieving new personal landmarks. Here is a snapshot of Sankalp BDO for Sep 2011