About Sankalp

Information about the organization in general

Volunteer for Sankalp


Voluntary Organisation

Sankalp is a voluntary organisation in an absolute sense. Everyone here works because they want to work.

The Volunteers

Sankalp volunteers are a mixed blend of college students and professionals. All of them work for Sankalp beyond the regular work that they do for a living/learning.

May 2009: Work @ Sankalp

Most of last month, the priority was our upcoming 6th Anniversary. The volunteers worked hard and spent ample amount of thought, time and energy to putting up a good show (like they say, citation required :) ). But we made sure none of our regular work suffers because of the Anniversary preparation. what was keeping us occupied?

6th Anniversary of Sankalp

Our journey has completed another milestone on 23rd May this year. We found your guidance and support to be one of our motivating factors, for us to keep walking in the toughest of times. We have kept our promises or have made significant progress in that direction in the past one year.

Blood Bank Meet

The second blood bank meet had been scheduled on this day to see the improvements that has achieved after the previous blood bank meet, six months ago and to further discuss about other issues to be taken into consideration from now on.