About Sankalp

Information about the organization in general

Time for Fresh Blood to march in


The annual ritual of registering voluntary blood donors from the first year and welcome the ones who choose to work with us in the capacity of a volunteer is about to take place. The 2 day process of visiting individual classes and introducing Sankalp to students of MSRIT is followed by an orientation program. The people who complete the orientation program (which lasts for about 2 months), get an opportunity to participate in Sankalp ctivities right from the very initial days of their college life.

Last year @ Sankalp

The Year 2009-10 was an eventful year for Sankalp India Foundation. The group of 30 individuals who call themselves Sankalp volunteers were kept very busy with the back to back activities that took place in the last year. We are happy to bring to you the yearbook of 2009-10.

7th Anniversary of Sankalp

It has been 7 years since the spirit of Sankalp was born, and like every year we would love to share the joy with our dearest friends and well wishers.

Inviting you all for the 7th Anniversary celebrations of Sankalp India Foundation. It will be held on 22 May 2010 @ MS Ramiah Institute Of Technology. Block your dates now and be there!