About Sankalp

Information about the organization in general

The first ever WOV

Excitement and secret plannings.. Passing on the some details and maybe polishing the acting and mimicry skills. As and when time permits, the volunteers huddle up or individually can be seen doing this as part of the preparation for WAR OF THE VOLS being organised for first time.

War of the Vols

We are having the first ever WAR OF THE VOLS this sunday (30/11/08). The volunteers will be using this occasion to show about the team and its working to everyone else, creatively with props and so on...

More details about the event and the outcome will be put up soon.

Blood Bank Meet

After five years of hard work for the cause of blood we found ourselves fit enough to stand before the torch bearers of the cause of blood in Bangalore. O 27th September, 2008 Sankalp organized its first Blood Bank Meet at NIMHANS.

Sankalp's 5th Birthday

On a relaxed summer afternoon, as people were bidding good bye to each other hoping for a restful weekend ahead, there has a quite a buzz in one small part of MSRIT. Some colourful posters on the walls stood out welcoming the viewers to the fifth anniversary celebration of Sankalp.

Senior Volunteer Feedback Report

The growth of an organization depends upon the people who are leading them. We at Sankalp benchmark all our people on the following five parameters to be able to mark and measure the strengths and weakness of our people and to track the growth of the organization. There five parameters are responsiveness, teamwork, leadership, initiative and delivery.

Two New honourable member in Sankalp

To strength the organization and learn from the experience from the people who has be a source of inspiration and energy to us we have decided to make a Board of Advisors for the Organization. This board will be composed of Honory Members who the people who have directly or indirectly guided us, and helped us with the larger vision that we are following today.