Disaster Mitigation and Management Group

Sankalp DMMG



A Reminder

I have posted a few images in the gallery under the folder Siski. Here is the event. Firstly, can you identify the event that these images relate to? Secondly, I am throwing open a chance for you to find out more about this event for all of us. This event must not be forgot. Please take up the challange, if you can. Try showing all of us the real face of our existance.. All the best. Post queries at my guestbook here

XML feeds

High grade interactive pages which can be used for dynamic access constitute this. they can be used for cntrol rooms,press rooms and other control; centers. they directly interact with the server.

WWW based access

The database on the main server will be accessible by a host of php based web pages. Not only do they add to the dissimation of informnation globally but they also make it very easy to program the system while things are fine. This mode can be used for usual news and broadcasts as well. It is the most highly demanding platform for disaster situation but still fulfills need of a remote user.

Interactive Voice Response System

Interactive Voice Responce System is the second platform that has been integrated. It is a normal phone call based enquiry.

Like the calls we make to automated customer care for mobile serviuces, this is a menuy driven key-press selection based enquiry system.

On receiving a call the system plays welcome message and gives user the choices. Depending on the key pressed by used further action is taken.

The Database

Master database is the backbone of all the technologies being integrated. It is a one stop shop for all information relating to the site of deployment.

It is backed up daily and runs on a power backup at a remote location.

High Connectivity is available by a broadband connection or in case of their faliuse, by a HAM link. Features of the database are:

  • Multiplatform access

SMS Gateway

Information from parent(master) database will be made available to the end user/ victim/ administrator/ volunteer by usage of SMS queries.

Like Indiatimes 8888, the person can message a query and receive an automated instant reply for it. He/she can also feed in requests to be handled at a later stage.e.g. Person wanting to know current warnings will message a keyword(lets take WARNINGS for example) to a particular number. The reply message will give him the updated information.

First Aid Training

Instead of waiting for someone else to come and help, or to listen to 20 people advising different things, in case of medical emergencies we thought it fit to learn first aid. For 20 odd people first aid training coupled with response training was delivered at MSRIT. The enthusiastic students learnt the tips and tricks of first aid and vowed to deliver the knowledge and the help to the needy. This small attempt is a small step in improving the preparedness of the society. More such activities are planned for the future..

Kashmir Earthquake

It's the soil for which they lay down their life The same soil which we call our mother It's a part of our own country Then why do we feel differently for it? Devastation was close to complete in the Tangdhar region of Kashmir. The earthquake had taken its toll. We initially thought that large scale mobilization will take place. We though that we are so far that we wont be able to reach the place in time. We were wrong. Something deep within drove us and gave us the directions to proceed for relief.

Join Us


Disaster Mitigation and Management Group invites you to join in and take the concept of Disaster Preparedness to the people. Come, join in and learn. Once you are prepared, go forward and educate.

We are looking for people who can selflessly assist people to safe living. Come and be a part for a change for a better society.



A disaster(from Latin language (meaning, "bad star") is the impact of a natural disaster natural or man-made event that negatively affects life, property, livelihood or industry often resulting in permanent changes to human society, ecosystems and natural environment.