Disaster Mitigation and Management Group

Sankalp DMMG

Diwali Bash @ Sankalp

Diwali is approaching and we at Sankalp have all the more reasons to celebrate the festival. A number of activities are happening, and to list them down, we have Donors' registration at MSRIT and IISc, three blood donation drives in two weeks and follow-up from the Blood Bank Meet, that is CTC Disha Awareness Campaign, phase 2.

2 years of Kashmir earthquake

Submitted by rmourya1 on

Exactly 2 years ago Sankalp reached out to the people who were affected by the earthquake at Kashmir. As we remember the people who died and were affected in some way or the other by this natural calamity we though it will be a good idea to ask the volunteers to share their experiences about Project Koshish..

did u know???????

Submitted by ashwath on
Latest scientific estimates show that large dams in India are responsible for about a fifth of the India's total global warming impact. The estimates also reveal that Indian dams are the largest global warming contributors compared to all other nations. This shatters the myth that large hydro projects are a clean source of energy.

Spreading Awareness on Organ Donation

Submitted by lalithgparmar on

As most of us know that donating your organs at the time of your death is a great Social Service.It might give vision to the blind and might save somebody's life. There are many people who want to donate but are unaware of the procedure to follow,whom to approach and what to do?.If we can spread an awareness on the same and provide the necessary information it would be a great service to the society. I request you all to accumulate information on this and post it.

Pathetic Fire Safety and Rescue

Submitted by pravsripad on

Fire Safety in India is an all time low profile, almost unheard of thing.
Prevention is better than cure, but if there is no prevention, atleast good rescue and post fire accident intensive care must be looked upon.
This is in a pathetic condition in Bangalore.
The hospital will kill the accident victim before the fire burns do so. The government hospital, burns ward in Bangalore is hell......
Anything even the slightest exercise of good will in this regard will give hope to those who have burned it all........
Your Opinions.......