
"L I T T L E Things"

Submitted by ankita on
Whatever that happens in life, happens for stop worrying about the future and forget the past.

After Sept. 11th, one company invited the remaining members of other companies who had been decimated by the attack on the Twin Towers to share their available office space. At a morning meeting, the head of security told stories of why these people were alive, and all the stories were just the 'L I T T L E' things .

As you might know, the head of the company survived that day because his son started kindergarten.

The Uta Aitha Bond

Submitted by rajat on

I was walking with a cup of coffee in my hands on the terrace of our office when i heard the words "uta aitha?(Did you have Lunch in Kannada)" Something inside told me that though this was least expected, but the words were aimed at me. I could see no other human soul in audible range.

It took me a second to realise that the man cutting the foam sheets for insulating the newly constructed AC ducts had asked me this question. He was a middle aged man with very shabby looks. His face spoke volumes about the years he has spent in the sun working at construction sites in the past. He was wearing a T-Shirt that had a Tiranga on it, but the T-Shirt was stitched at places to keep it together.

The Silent Death

Submitted by rajat on
Few years back buying vegetables was one of my daily activity. I used to walk down from my home in Mussoorie in the narrow lanes that seem to go crazy with unexpected ups and downs for about a third of a kilometre.

Our small town of Mussoorie has only about 30,000 people spread in more-or-less a linear pattern aver the hill. There is just one road that runs through the town. In this 4 km run there is hardly any place where it is not lined with shops on either side. For a localite there is something more to it. Walking in front of these shops every single day since childhood, you know everyone and everyone knows you. There are people who smile back at you, some of them wave, there are those who you greet with due respect and there are those who occasionally shout out a "Bai Sahib" or a "Jai Ram Ji Ki" in a typical hilly style. Whatever you do , you just can't escape those eyes.

Nurturers to criminals

Submitted by mohitag on

Celebrating a festival with family adds more colour and enthusiasm to each activity involved. We have all been talking about our festivals be it Eid, Holi, Diwali or Christmas but how many of us truly understand the importance of these festivals. Perhaps, very few-- I may be one of those few and so may be You. It is quite sad to see people are running away from their culture just because they feel it is quite sub standard.

Beyond the unseen

Submitted by mohitag on

Everytime i gaze at the ocean, the only thoughts that come to my mind are about what lies on the other side, the point beyond the horizon. The harder i try to concentrate to see beyond the unseen more domiant becomes the sight of the waves and the vast ocean which lies between me and my unseen world. Still, i keep trying...perhaps everyone keeps trying to see what lies ahead and in the course fail to appreciate the vastness of the oceanful of life. Why is man like that? Why can he not live in present?

Difference between Socialism and Communism.

Submitted by Jayesh on

What is the difference between socialism and communism?

Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning. Socialism grows directly out of capitalism; it is the first form of the new society. Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism.

Sarfaroshi ki Tamanna

Submitted by Jayesh on

Reading one of the poem in other blog it remind me of one of my favourite poem. You all must have heard it a lot of time but had rearely heard full poem so just though to share with you all.

Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamaare dil mein hai
Dekhna hai zor kitna baazu-e-qaatil mein hai

Teachings of Baba AMTE

Submitted by kishore on
I believe in leading series of Lives in one life. God brings no luck to idle hands. We utilize all sorts of wastes except waste of time. Add life to years rather than adding years to life. God gave us pain so we could feel the tenderness. Action speaks louder than words. Learn the art of living by leaping and not by limping. Love alone can resurrect a man in agony. Work builds, charity destroys. Give them a chance not charity. Happiness dies when it is not shared. The greatest joy comes in life when you invest in others.

CTC Disha Publicity Phase 0 completed

Submitted by amitsedai on

The phase 0 of CTC Disha has been completed. 13 govt hospitals visited. The volunteers being primarily engg students had only saturdays to effectively spread the information to the hospitals.

Already the calls from these hospitals for blood have started to come. Two of these hospitals have agreed to participate by sharing their blood stocks. All this happened in just 2 weeks!