About Sankalp

Information about the organization in general

With Big Hopes Comes Big Responsibility

Submitted by Jayesh on

After a Joyous, well organized and successful celebration of Sankalp 4th anniversary, the one thought that is constantly popping in my mind is: With big hopes comes big responsibility. In the span of 4 year Sankalp has grown from 4 to 4000, a group of student to youth and from a College to Bangalore. Sankalp was born with a dream and has shared it's dream with others. Today the dream of Sankalp is a dream of thousands of people. Sankalp has given the people the courage to dream and make their dream come true.

Does Life need to have a purpose?

Submitted by Jayesh on

AVERY young terminally ill girl wrote out a beautiful poem on her hospital bed. It ends with these simple lines: Life is not a race, do take it slower Hear the music, before the song is over. We spend hours recording music instead of listening to it live. We waste time capturing experiences on film, while we should be savouring the experiences. We are forever rushing to be some place, and when we reach there, it is rarely the place we wish to be! Is there a purpose to life? Is it to gain fame, success, and wealth? Do these acquisitions make us happy?

UPA and Indian Cricket team very silmilar!!!

Submitted by ashwath on

At the outset I owe a clarification to the reader. I must acknowledge that I am no Dan Brown (author of The Da Vinci Code) and I do not possess any of his investigative techniques -- encrypting symbols or even a basic understanding of his by now well-publicized Kabbalistic methods. Yet, this piece essentially attempts to compare and contrast the performance of the Indian cricket team (which went to the West Indies recently to play the World Cup) and the United Progressive Alliance government.

A Genius

Submitted by pooja on

Years ago, footage emerged from a remote village in India. The video shows a young girl receiving surgery to separate her fingers, which were badly burned and fused together. Why did this operation make headlines around the world? The surgery was performed by a 7-year-old boy named Akrit Jaswal.