About Sankalp

Information about the organization in general

'Chak De' fever

Submitted by rajat on

Chak De fever is in the air and India is opening it's eyes to Indian Hockey..

Coincidently we have a small tab under "Hero of the Month" section of the site on the top right corner of the screen which reads Dhyan Chand.

I thought it fit to post this forum for people to share tehir feelings towards India's National Sport and it's God- Major Dhyan Chand.

the name is enough

Submitted by chayan on

It was decided upon tht the blood bank will not ask for replacements coz we had started wit the weekly camps in ramaiah but i came to hear a case from a sankalp volunteer that still units of blood were being asked for from a patient...
As the person contacted sankalp and when the volunteer went back to the blood bank the blood bank immediately said 1 unit replacement will be sufficient instead of 2 said to the patient earlier..
on hearing our name the blood bank starts working correctly...
do these ppl dread on hearing our name????

Abhivyakti - The Annual Sankalp Magazine

Abhivyakti means "manifestation of the self" or expressing one's ideas and opinions. Abhivyakti means expression.

We chose this name for the Sankalp Annual Magazine. A collection of articles from donors, volunteers and well wishers, this magazine tries to encapsulate entire Sankalp in a few pages.

Many of us observed that it is very difficult for people who are not actively participating to stay tuned to the music of Sankalp. Thus this magazine has been designed as a magic potion to expose the world of Sankalp to you.

How do we reward people at Sankalp?

Submitted by rajat on

For all of you who thought that there are no rewards for working hard in Sankalp, here is the big story. I am about to reveal to you the truth that was kept somewhat hidden so far. Only those who actually received the benefits know about it so far. If a person is working really hard for Sankalp, then what does he get? Consider the situation in which a Volunteer pushes against the limits to get a work done. The Volunteer puts in his/her heart and soul to realize the target.