About Sankalp

Information about the organization in general

live and let live

Submitted by abhinav on

The jail in which Bhagat Singh,Sukhdev and Rajguru was kept before their execution there was something which was encrypted in the wall. It was "LIVE AND LET LIVE". I will strongly support the real sense behind this sentence which may be very normal and easy going for people. But once you start thinking of it u will feel the intensity of its meaning.

Project Sankalp Awareness program

Submitted by mandyshri on

Hi folks, Last time I met Rajat,He gave me a small suggestion about creating awareness in hostel. He told me to create the awareness by asking them not to waste or unused electricity and water. Which,I,accept are the part of our life and shouldn't be wasted. Well,I am sure people very few among us respect this things.But this may play a big role in our moral ethics and in others life. Well,Can we create an awareness program for our college which can be implemented in classrooms,Toilets and drinking water resources???????????

most unusal building in the world

Submitted by Jayesh on
You know that your looking at a real building right? The Crooked House was built in 2004 as an addition at a popular shopping center, and is a major tourist attraction in Sopot, Poland. We just wonder what happens when someone who's under a controlled substance sees this building for the first time in their life

An unusal buildings in the worlds

Submitted by Jayesh on
If you saw this picture for the first time, you'd probably thought that it was hit by a massive earthquake. But it wasn't. In true fashion of the Ripley Legacy, it was built to reflect the odd 1812 earthquake that measured 8.0 on the rick. The building has now become one of the most photographed in the world because of it.

Where is the safety in India?

Submitted by Venu on

Meerut Fier : Inadequate measures .The fire is believed to have been sparked off by a short circuit at one of the stalls, and was fueled by the plastic matting on the floor. .The inflammable covering in the air-conditioned hall also helped the flames spread to the other two halls. .The tent in which the fair was being held had a common entry and exit point, making it difficult to escape when the fire spread. .The situation worsened when the gas cylinders inside the pandals burst. This shows the lack of precaution and preparation for fire accident.

Must Read Letter

Submitted by rajat on

Abraham Lincoln's letter to his son's teacher

He will have to learn, I know, that all men are not just, all men are not true, but teach him also that for every scoundrel there is a hero, that for every selfish politician there is a dedicated leader. Teach him that for every enemy there is a friend.

Baisakhi or Bihu: celebrating the human spirit

Submitted by ramkrishna on

Baisakhi, also called Vaisakhi, is a harvest festival celebrated on 13th of April according to the solar calendar. Baisakhi is a time of abundance signifying both material and spiritual prosperity. Farmers thank God for His benevolence for ensuring a good harvest and pray for an encore next year. It also commemorates the establishment of the order of Khalsa for Sikhs. The legend goes that Guru Gobind Singh had announced that he required five men who were prepared to sacrifice their lives for brotherhood.

It should be there within you

Submitted by Venu on
To day after we sung National Anthem I turned back to see a person standing in attension. Interesting thing here is his respect for the national anthem. So what is special about it? He was standing with the support of sticks. moral: Whoever be it ... The rich or the poor ... the basic thing that a person should have within him is feeling for his nation.

These Clear My Concepts..

Submitted by rajat on
Our school had its science block on top of a hillock. We used to walk up to the computer labs with our wonderful inspiring teacher Mr. Tindale. One afternoon, Mr. Tindale was talking about his work as a headmaster. We were talking about the ways to get the work done by people. In that conversation he cited this quote:

You can do anything in the world
If you dont look for credit