About Sankalp

Information about the organization in general

The Rush Of Blood

Submitted by rajat on
All of us know that reservation in educational institutions is wrong. Dont we? I am not exactly looking for people ho want to talk about that by means of this blog post. All I am looking for is this: People to come up and say -'This is what I want to do to oppose this move.' I am looking for people who want to take it on themselves to take up a protest. I am talking about direct action. Pl contact me if you are interested in this. If you have a rush of blood which is waiting to be converted into focal work.

Asato maa sadgamaya

Submitted by Venu on
Om Asato Maa Sadgamaya Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Maa Amrtam Gamaya. Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih O, Lord please lead me from the unreal to the real. Lead me from darkness to light (i.e. from ignorance to knowledge). Lead me from death to immortality. May there be peace, peace and perfect peace.

Sun will shine one more time.

Submitted by rajat on

I received a call today. It was from a very special person. A person who I has met 6 years back in the same month of April. A person who was so very important for me(and is). I have been bad at relationships. I can never really figure out what the others take for obvious. That is possibly one reason why people around me are usually frustrated with me. Whether they claim so or not is a different matter. Dust was slowly gathering on the relationship that we had.

Learning from Sachin

Submitted by sunny on

Hi I am a cricket buff but i really like it when I can appreciate the beauty of the cricketer as well as his art . of all the cricketers I have watched SACHIN TENDULKAR remains my favorite not just for his cricket but also for his persona now this is what I like about him :
1. CONQUERED MT EVEREST NOW AIMING FOR STARS - a person who has rewritten all the records in the cricket book still has the hunger to go n give 100% on the field . How many of us have the same dedication towards our profession or families.

Similarities Between Cricket match and Life

Submitted by sunny on

Hi we all have seen India playing a lot of cricket matches . but have we ever thought how much a cricket match resembles our lives . If u r not convinced read this one :
1.just like in cricket we also start our day cautiously .
2. then as the day goes on we adjust according to the situation. eg. if a few wickets fall early we decelerate but if we get a solid start there s no stopping .
3. as we progress into the middle overs or when half of our work is done we tend to relax and consolidate.

Are you a leader?

Submitted by sunny on

HI there are many instance when we r caught in a CATCH 22 situation - a dilemma . what do we do
1.GET CONFUSED - lose the battle.
2.LOOK UPTO SOMEONE - means we are not confident enough to handle the situation
3. LEAD FROM FRONT - decide to overcome the problems ourselves.
MANAGEMENT GURU and EX -GENERAL ELECTRICS CEO Mr JACK WELCH has outlined the following qualities of a leader
1. Control your destiny, or someone else will.
2. Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be.
3. Be candid with everyone.

Maine Dil Se Kaha..

Submitted by sunny on

Hi there was a time in my life when everything I did BOOMERANGED on me. My grades in engineering were nosediving , my old friends ditched me , my girlfriend ditched me . aur to aur bhai logon ghar s jo firing hoti thi wo alsg. It was at this point of time that I came across a saying : ILL RUN TILL I CAN ILL WALK TILL I CAN ILL CRAWL TILL I CAN BUT U WONT BE ABLE TO STOP ME it was then that I realized the uselessness of sitting down and crying. That way I was always surrounded by misery . Some form of movement gave me 1 way to keep my troubles behind me .

Using Natural or Academic Talent

Submitted by sunny on

HI we all have watched the movie SWADES . I have watched it many a times . I was influenced by 2 things : GAYATRI JOSHI , the heroine of the movie (she s graceful) USE OF ACADEMIC N NATURAL TALENT FOR WELFARE PURPOSES I would like to concentrate on the second point . We all do various courses like engineering , medical sciences , MBA, CA etc. But how many of us think of utilizing our knowledge for reasons other than money . don't you all think we should create some IDEAS and IMPLEMENT them using our skills in order to help the down trodden .

Five lessons..

Submitted by ankita on
Five (5) lessons to make you think about the way we treat people. 1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady. During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one:
"What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"
Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall,dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?

Can India Suck..?

Submitted by brij_agrwl on
I am a member or many orkut communities.A request came to me.Saying that there is a community called "India Sucks".. and we all Indian should report it as bogus. But according to me all have rights to express their views.So i didn't reported it as bogus.Am i right? well for those who have orkut accout I am giving the link for that community. http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=1614602

Mera Sankalp

Submitted by parul on

I am new to Sankalp and Bangalore as well. Knowing much about me in this blog won't matter.What would matter is ki hamara kya sankalp hai??Bangalore mein what I have seen is a majority of software engineers who work from monday to friday and sleep or roam about in MG/Brigade road on week ends.Even I do the same.